Dear Chashuva Talmidim, עמו"ש
Friday Morning schedule: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Bikius seder in your regular Zoom rooms 11:00 a.m. - Rav Chanina Geisler shlit"a's Sfas Emes Chumash Shiur. Click here to join his Zoom room. Click here or on the picture below for Divrei Chizuk based on the Parsha from Rav Moshe Rosenberg shlit"a. Reminder: Schedules, Updates, Zoom rooms and Drop Boxes can be found on our website here, here, here and here. Talmidim in second-year Beis Medrash and up will want to check Rav Moshe Rosenberg's drop box daily for marei mekomos. A gutten Shabbos! Comments are closed.